
Document Analytics​

Customer Profile

Lighthouse Navigate empowers your teams to access and share near real-time information directly addressing your ediscovery program needs. By rolling up all components of project spend into personal dashboards, you can access reports as often as you like and share access both inside and outside your organization to speed up your cost and time-saving decisions.

Problem Statement

eDiscovery providers consistently need to showcase the value they provide to their customers through the implementation of various Process & Technology. And as these process & technologies often function in silos, gathering information from these systems and connecting the dots becomes a time consuming and costly exercise. ​

Naviz Solutions

Naviz has provided web-based dashboard and reporting tool that gives on-demand visibility into case information such as data volumes, cost savings and spend. This matter intelligence allows you to make informed case decisions, create more accurate budgets and implement and monitor effectiveness of matter and cross-matter processes. Naviz provides the ability to view, plan, compare and forecast data anywhere, anytime. Access to all the activity on all matters, to create and observe detailed metrics related to cost, time, volume and reduction performance. Naviz allows to take control of data and to create reliable monitoring and forecasting activities.

Single Solution

  • Case Managers
  • Service Delivery teams
  • Finance Teams
  • Internal Teams
  • Customers


  • Single Source of Truth
  • Real time data analysis
  • Interactive dashboards
  • Manage massive data sets
  • Matter level security

End-to-End eDiscovery Insights

  • CSAT Score
  • Spend Analysis
  • TAR Savings
  • Nearline/Offline Status
  • Top 10 Customers


” We have been working with Naviz Analytics team for more than two and a half years on data analytics and integration platform for the eDiscovery system to pull data from multiple source system. The Naviz team is super agile. We have a real reception from our customers using this platform. Thanks to Naviz team.”

Chris Dahl

VP of Product Development and Consulting (Lighthouse eDiscovery)

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